007 MAGAZINE - The World's Foremost James Bond Resource!




COLLECTING 007 – UK Film Magazines

From the earliest days of cinema the stars and their films have been promoted in numerous magazines published throughout the world. In more recent years specialist publications have focussed on other aspects of filmmaking including cinematography and special effects. Pictured below is a comprehensive selection of UK publications with significant material publicising the James Bond films during production, and on their original release. Selected special features (and restored double-page spreads often with photographs unique to that particular publication), interviews, portraits and articles are also presented wherever possible. Before the advent of the generic studio press kit, which saw all printed media and online platforms publish the same carefully chosen key images, take a nostalgic look back at a golden age of cinema-going courtesy of the 007 MAGAZINE Archive!

Photoplay was a monthly magazine first published in the UK in 1950, featuring reviews of new films and articles on the stars of the day, with the emphasis on their private lives and interests. By the 1960s Photoplay also included articles on pop stars and current television programmes (and later videotapes from the early 1980s), although its main focus continued to be the cinema. Ironically, it was Photoplay magazine that predicted Sean Connery would become a big star as early as April 1958. Editor Ken Ferguson interviewed the up-and-coming actor as he signed a contract with Twentieth-Century-Fox, opening his feature article ‘What a hunk of he-man’ with the words: “I'm going to predict that by the end of the year a young, burly, rugged Scots-man who grunts to the name of Sean Connery will be a BIG star.” However, it would be another four years before Connery got his first starring role in Dr. No (1962).

Bond Encounters

Previously unpublished and ‘unearthed’ from the 007 MAGAZINE ARCHIVE after 35 years, Ken Ferguson, the Editor of Photoplay recalls his meetings with four James Bonds – and the man who created the character of 007 in an exclusive feature article... READ HERE

The first coverage of Dr. No was in Photoplay's July 1962 edition, which featured an article on Ursula Andress. The November 1962 issue was available as Dr. No went on release across the UK, although editor Ken Ferguson's interview with Ian Fleming was not advertised on the cover, which instead showcased Elvis Presley (1935-1977). A year later coverage of From Russia With Love began in the November 1963 issue, which focussed on British pop groups, this time featuring The Beatles on the cover. The December 1963 issue included a full-page colour portrait of Sean Connery as James Bond to promote From Russia With Love (1963), then enjoying its record-breaking UK general release, however, it was popular English Pop Singer Craig Douglas (1941– ) [birth name Terence Perkins] who was featured on the cover of this issue. Craig Douglas recorded a cover version of Lionel Bart's ‘From Russia With Love’, and was photographed with gypsy fighting girls Martine Beswicke and Aliza Gur to promote the single, which was released in October 1963.

The James Bond films were then all promoted heavily upon their original release (and frequently during production), with at least one cover each year from 1964 onwards devoted to the stars of the latest 007 blockbuster (with the exception of A View To A Kill). Photoplay ceased publication in 1989 and was incorporated into a new magazine called Film Monthly; which was still edited by Ken Ferguson, assisted by his wife Sylvia. However, unable to compete with new publications such as EMPIRE (launched in 1989) with its more modern style of journalism, Film Monthly eventually folded in 1992.

PHOTOPLAY April 1958 PHOTOPLAY July 1962 PHOTOPLAY November 1962

April 1958
‘What a hunk of he-man’
Sean Connery interview

July 1962
‘Well - Would You Wear A Pink Shirt
To Please Miss Andress?’

November 1962
‘The Violent World of James Bond’
Spread 1  Spread 2  London Pavilion poster

PHOTOPLAY November 1963 PHOTOPLAY December 1963 PHOTOPLAY February 1964

November 1963

December 1963
“Don't call me Bond” says Sean
Sean Connery portrait

February 1964
Eunice Gayson interview

PHOTOPLAY August 1964 PHOTOPLAY October 1964 PHOTOPLAY November 1964
August 1964
Introduction  Spread 1  Spread 2
Sean Connery/Honor Blackman portraits
October 1964
Goldfinger Storypics
Sean Connery portrait  ODEON poster
November 1964
Spread 1  Spread 2
Sean Connery portrait


PHOTOPLAY July 1965 PHOTOPLAY August 1965
June 1965
Thunderball preview
July 1965
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
August 1965
 Spread 1  Spread 2
PHOTOPLAY September 1965 PHOTOPLAY October 1965 PHOTOPLAY November 1965
September 1965
Mollie Peters feature
October 1965
Ursula Andress pin-up
November issue preview
November 1965
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
  Spread 4

Back cover: Thunderball poster

PHOTOPLAY January 1966

PHOTOPLAY February 1966

PHOTOPLAY March 1966

January 1966
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
February 1966
Thunderball storypics
March 1966
Thunderball synopsis


PHOTOPLAY July 1966 PHOTOPLAY August 1966
June 1966
Sean Connery wins Photoplay
Best Actor Award 1965
July 1966
Ursula Andress feature
August 1966
Casino Royale preview

Spread 1  Spread 2

PHOTOPLAY September 1966

PHOTOPLAY December 1966 PHOTOPLAY January 1967
September 1966
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
Spread 4  Spread 5
Farley's Rusks advert - George Lazenby
December 1966
Claudine Auger pin-up
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4
January 1967
Terence Cooper portrait
March 1967
Spread 1  Spread 2
May 1967
Casino Royale Coming Soon poster
June 1967
The inside story of Casino Royale
Spread 1  Spread 2
Operation Kid Brother feature


PHOTOPLAY August 1967 PHOTOPLAY October 1967
July 1967
ODEON poster  Spread 1  Spread 2
Spread 3 
[Spread 4 Spread 5
August 1967
Spread 1  Spread 2
October 1967
You Only Live Twice General release


PHOTOPLAY January 1969 PHOTOPLAY June 1969
July 1968
Claudine Auger pin-up
January 1969
Meet the new James Bond
June 1969
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3


PHOTOPLAY January 1970

PHOTOPLAY November 1970

August 1969
January 1970
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
November 1970
Claudine Auger feature


PHOTOPLAY September 1971

PHOTOPLAY January 1972

June 1971
Nadja Regin feature
September 1971
Spread 1  Spread 2
January 1972
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
Spread 4  Spread 5

PHOTOPLAY November 1972

PHOTOPLAY January 1973

PHOTOPLAY February 1973

November 1972
Roger Moore pin-up
January 1973
Introducing Jane Seymour
February 1973
Teaser  Spread 1  Spread 2
PHOTOPLAY May 1973 PHOTOPLAY August 1973

PHOTOPLAY October 1973

May 1973
August 1973
Live And Let Die ODEON poster
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
October 1973

Readers’ letters
PHOTOPLAY July 1974 PHOTOPLAY December 1974 PHOTOPLAY January 1975

July 1974
Britt Ekland interview

December 1974
Contents  Spread 1  Spread 2

Next issue teaser

January 1975
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4
Royal Charity Premiere advertisement

PHOTOPLAY February 1975

PHOTOPLAY January 1975

PHOTOPLAY April 1977

February 1975

November 1976
The Day They Launched BOND'S B. B.

Press conference September 8, 1976
 April 1977
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4

PHOTOPLAY August 1977

PHOTOPLAY September 1977

PHOTOPLAY October 1977

August 1977
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
It's nice to be BAD! says Caroline Munro
September 1977
The Spy Who Loved Me General release
October 1977

The Stars and You


PHOTOPLAY December 1979

July 1979
World Premiere advertisement
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
December 1979
Spread 1  Spread 2
March 1981
Roger Moore: My Biggest Screen Challenge
Spread 1  Spread 2


PHOTOPLAY December 1982


July 1981
Spread 1  Spread 2
December 1982
Letters page
Battle of the Bonds  Spread1  Spread 2
July 1983
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4

PHOTOPLAY August 1983

PHOTOPLAY November 1983

PHOTOPLAY January 1984

August 1983
The private and fantasy worlds of
MAUD (Octopussy) ADAMS
November 1983
Spread 1  Spread 2
January 1984
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4
Never Say Never Again review 
My Name Is BOND’ advertisement


PHOTOPLAY July 1987 FILM MONTHLY June 1989 (incorporating PHOTOPLAY)
July 1987
A View To A Kill release poster
July 1987
25 Years of BOND
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4
 (incorporating Photoplay)
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3


Released in late 1983 to take advantage of the so-called ‘Battle of the Bonds’ (which never really materialised other than in the minds of the Media on the lookout for a good story), Argus Specialist Publications [who also published Photoplay] issued two 32-page pictorial souvenirs dedicated to the James Bond films of Roger Moore and Sean Connery. Both magazines are full of textual and pictorial errors throughout, and were ostensibly published to promote Octopussy and Never Say Never Again, both released in 1983. The Sean Connery issue “My Name is BOND” also published stills and background information from the six EON Productions films in which the actor starred from 1962-1971. Both magazines had an identical back cover promoting the UK release of Never Say Never Again on December 15, 1983.


ARGUS SPECIALIST PUBLICATIONS 1983 rear cover promoting the release of Never Say Never Again ARGUS SPECIALIST PUBLICATIONS 1983 "My Name is BOND" Sean Connery as 007
from Live And Let Die to Octopussy -
pictorial souvenir
Rear cover of both publications AN ARGUS SPECIALIST PUBLICATION
“My Name is BOND” A pictorial souvenir of Sean Connery as James Bond from Dr. No
to Never Say Never Again
Contents  Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4  Spread 5  Spread 6  Spread 7  Spread 8  Spread 9  Spread 10  Spread 11  Spread 12  Spread 13  Spread 14   Contents  Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4  Spread 5  Spread 6  Spread 7  Spread 8  Spread 9  Spread 10  Spread 11  Spread 12  Spread 13  Spread 14

The film magazine Showtime was first published in January 1964 as the Rank Organisation's competitor to the ABC Film Review, which was the rival publication for cinemas on the ABC (Associated British Cinemas) distribution circuit. Showtime only gave publicity and praise to those films showing in Rank cinemas, and whilst similar to ABC Film Review it also contained articles on fashion, pop music and interviews with stars of the day, as well as film reviews and advance publicity of forthcoming films.

SHOWTIME poster October 1965

As the James Bond films were first released in ODEON and Gaumont cinemas on the Rank circuit, they were naturally promoted by Showtime, and several covers were also devoted to the series until the magazine ceased publication in the late 1960s. Showtime was only available to purchase [priced at 1/- (one shilling)] in Rank cinemas, or by subscription. SHOWTIME's film gossip column, edited by Tony Crawley, would often feature fascinating titbits relating to the production of the James Bond films, although not featured on the cover or reported on in-depth within the magazine. One such item appeared in the July 1964 issue, and solves the mystery as to why many images of Sean Connery in a white tuxedo from the 1964 film Woman of Straw are often misidentified as being from Goldfinger. Connery had filmed the Basil Dearden directed drama at Pinewood Studios from August to October 1963, before travelling to the USA to appear in Alfred Hitchcock's Marnie (1964). The white dinner jacket was one of several Anthony Sinclair tailored suits worn by Sean Connery in Woman of Straw that were sold to the Bond company for use in Goldfinger!

Honor Blackman was the first James Bond star to make the cover in September 1964, with another 007 themed cover the following month featuring starlet Jacqueline Jones as Honey from Dr. No (1962). Inside was a five-page feature with the English actress photographed as six James Bond girls: Pussy Galore, Tatiana Romanova, Honey Ryder, Vespa Lynd [sic], Tiffany Case, and Tracy from ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE - which was then planned as the fourth film in the EON series starring Sean Connery as James Bond.

SHOWTIME featured some unique and interesting articles throughout its short history, including a 1965 interview with James Bond composer John Barry, and a 1967 feature on stuntman Bob Simmons. Published at the height of ‘Bondmania’ in the mid-1960s, hardly a month went by without Showtime featuring some exclusive James Bond content. SHOWTIME ceased publication with the December 1967 issue, and was superseded by Showguide - a pocket-sized free magazine available in cinemas on the Rank Distribution circuit from February 1968. 

SHOWTIME August 1964 SHOWTIME September 1964

SHOWTIME October 1964

August 1964
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
September 1964
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4
October 1964
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3

SHOWTIME November 1964

SHOWTIME April 1965

SHOWTIME June 1965

November 1964
Spread 1  Spread 2
April 1965
‘How I Write the Bond Films’
by Richard Maibaum Spread 1  Spread2
June 1965
Spread 1  Spread 2

SHOWTIME July 1965

SHOWTIME October 1965

SHOWTIME November 1965

July 1965
The people in Thunderball
October 1965
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4  Spread 5  Spread 6  Spread 7  Spread 8  Diane Cilento portrait
November 1965
Dr. No/From Russia With Love Double-bill

SHOWTIME December 1965

SHOWTIME January 1966 SHOWTIME March 1966
December 1965
Thunderball release delayed
January 1966
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4
Thunderball double premiere poster
March 1966
Spread 1  Spread 2
Spread 3  Spread 4  Spread 5
SHOWTIME May 1966 SHOWTIME June 1966

SHOWTIME September 1966

May 1966
Spread 1  Spread 2
June 1966

Spread 1  Spread 2
September 1966
Spread 1   Spread 2

SHOWTIME October 1966

SHOWTIME December 1966

SHOWTIME January 1967

October 1966
Toshiro Mifune turns down
You Only Live Twice
December 1966
Spread 1  Spread 2
Spread 3  Spread 4  Spread 5
January 1967
Barbara Bouchet 1967 calendar
Spread1  Spread 2

SHOWTIME February 1967

SHOWTIME April 1967 SHOWTIME May 1967
February 1967
Spread  Sean Connery souvenir portrait
April 1967
April Cover Stars

Akiko Wakabayashi portrait
May 1967
Spread 1  Spread 2
SHOWTIME July 1967 SHOWTIME August 1967 SHOWTIME October 1967
July 1967
Spread 1  Spread 2
August 1967
Spread 1  Spread 2
October 1967
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3  Spread 4


SHOWGUIDE January 1970

Showguide, subtitled ‘The Big Screen Scene’, was a pocket-sized (7.5 X 5.5 inches approx) magazine available free in cinemas on the Rank Distribution circuit following the demise of SHOWTIME at the end of 1967. Printed on very poor quality paper and with interior colour usually reserved for advertisements, the booklet had a much smaller page-count than its predecessor. SHOWGUIDE was replaced by Film Review which was available in all cinemas from the early 1970s. With the collapse of the Hollywood studio system in the late 1960s, films seen in UK cinemas were distributed by Rank, or the rival ABC circuit, but the allocation between major studios was now less clearly defined.

July 1968
Goldfinger/Thunderball Double-bill
January 1970
Spread1  Spread 2



Following the demise of SHOWGUIDE, The Rank Organisation would produce their own free monthly booklet promoting the films on offer at ODEON and Gaumont cinemas. Originally produced in the 1970s as a two-colour booklet (often with a full colour double-page centre-spread) PREVIEWTIME, featuring simple photo spreads to alert moviegoers to the arrival of new films at their local cinema. All of Roger Moore's James Bond films were promoted via a double-page photo spread in PREVIEWTIME and MOVIE GOER on their original release. By the late 1980s with many cinemas converted to multi-screen venues, it was not practical to promote current and forthcoming attractions in a standardized regional monthly magazine, and a new more focussed publication emerged.

PREVIEWTIME was superseded by MOVIE GOER - a generic A5-sized 18-page publication that would be customized by managers to show the films on offer at a given cinema on the ODEON Chain that month. MOVIE GOER also included advertisements for local traders and was available in cinema foyers alongside confectionery, popcorn and the long-running commercially produced magazine Film Review. Printed locally, MOVIE GOER later had a full colour cover, but still retained the black & white photographs and advertisements inside to keep printing costs to a minimum. Generally discarded, these free booklets are now very hard to find on the collectors market. MOVIE GOER was subsequently renamed ODEON Movie Goer, ODEON Cinema Guide; and more recently ODEON Magazine, which is still available free in ODEON cinemas.

June 1977
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
MOVIE GOER August 1981

MOVIE GOER June 1983

August 1981
For Your Eyes Only centre-spread
June 1983
Octopussy four-page preview  Spread 1  Centre-spread  Spread 2
MOVIE GOER June 1987 MOVIE GOER July 1987 MOVIE GOER June 1989
June 1987
Spread 1  Spread 2  Spread 3
July 1987
The Living Daylights centre-spread
June 1989
Spread 1  Spread 2
ODEON MOVIE GOER November 1995

CINEWORLD Magazine November 2002

November 1995 November 2008 CINEWORLD November 2002

In addition to their release on the ODEON chain, from 1995 the James Bond films starring Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig were also exhibited in Cineworld cinemas. The privately operated company is currently the world's second-largest cinema chain, with over 9,000 screens across 751 sites in 10 countries. The two cinema brands in the United Kingdom and Ireland are Cineworld and Picturehouse - both of which published their own free booklets advertising the films on offer at specific venues. An example of the Cineworld booklet announcing the release of Die Another Day in November 2002 is pictured above.



Never Say Never Again (1983) was the only James Bond film to be released exclusively on the ABC circuit in the UK. At the time ABC cinemas were part of the Thorn EMI Group, and new releases were promoted in a free monthly booklet (similar to the one available in ODEON and other Rank cinemas) simply titled PREVIEW. The December 1983/January 1984 edition featured Sean Connery's comeback film as James Bond on the cover and a double-page poster spread to coincide its nationwide release from Friday December 16, 1983 - two days after its West End Charity premiere at the Warner Theatre in London's Leicester Square.

PREVIEW December 1983/January 1984 Never Say Never Again double-page spread

Never Say Never Again Regional and Northern Charity premiere flyer

December 1983/January 1984   Never Say Never Again
Regional and Northern Charity premiere
ABC Cinema, York - Double-sided flyer

Thursday December 15, 1983 (the day after its London premiere and a day before its general release): Never Say Never Again had its Regional and Northern Charity Premiere at the ABC Cinema in York – organised by the city's Lord Mayor, Councillor Steve Galloway; with the help of this author and the support of Graham Rye, then President of the James Bond British Fan Club. Copies of the Club magazine ‘007’ sold well at the premiere, and Sean Connery recorded a special message that was played in the auditorium before the screening. The sell-out event raised £600 for The British Heart Foundation and gave a much-needed boost to the local economy at the end of a year that saw the lowest cinema attendance on record. There were 66-million admissions in 1983 – half the number recorded 10 years earlier. The home video market continued to make a significant dent in cinema box-office takings in the ensuing decade, and Never Say Never Again was released onto the rental market in July 1984, by which time its cinematic lifecycle had almost ended. The film continued to play at London's Warner West End until late September, and received its television premiere on BBC1 on Christmas Day 1986 – the shortest window yet for any James Bond film.

ABOVE: Model and ‘007’ seller Anna Froberg (right), and ABC manager Ken Lamb (second right), greet the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Councillors Steve and Sue Galloway at the Regional and Northern Charity Premiere of Never Say Never Again held at the ABC cinema in York on Thursday December 15, 1983. Assistant manageress Violet Ashton said “I've never known anything like it in all my 29 years at the ABC. We've never had a premiere like this before”. The Lord Mayor held a reception at York's Mansion House after the screening, where attendees and local dignitaries were encouraged to dress to impress. Although the Lord Mayor was a self-confessed Bond addict, it was merely a coincidence that he had been able to use the premiere of Never Say Never Again as a fund-raising event to help charities during his year in office.




US Magazines from the height of ‘Bondmania’