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Swatch turns to the dark side with Villains Bond Fans love to hate
Richard Kiel at the Swatch 007 Villain Collection press launch

In a series of heroic adventures from Dr. No to Quantum of Solace, James Bond outfoxes and destroys a nefarious bunch of evildoers bent on conquering the world. Destroys? Well, not quite. Like Bond himself, true villains live on forever, remembered fondly by their fans—and now by SWATCH. Celebrating the legendary British secret agent’s most memorable adversaries, the SWATCH 007 Villain Collection presents twenty-two SWATCH watches inspired by the best of the worst: the bad guys Bond fans love to hate.

Has SWATCH gone over to the other side? In a provocative and insidiously subversive move, the mischievous maker of iconic Swiss watches has aligned itself with the enemies of the world’s most famous gentleman spy. “We’ve discovered the dark side of the myth,” said N. G. Hayek, also known as Dr. SWATCH. “And we love it. It’s absolutely fascinating.” As the news raised eyebrows in London, Paris and Berlin, the notorious inventor of the plastic watch hastened to explain his intentions. “It’s the art of the villain that interests us. Ian Fleming’s novels and all the Bond films, the villains play a crucial role. And if Bond is alive and well today, it is thanks in no small part to the enduring power of his enemies.”

Mads Mikkelsen at the Swatch 007 Villain Collection press launch

Indeed. The SWATCH 007 Villain Collection is a tribute to the Bond saga as a whole. It honours the art of infamy that Bond’s creators developed with perfidious cunning and cinematic flair through twenty-two thrilling adventures. Each model in the Villain collection evokes one or more wily evildoers. We know them all—armed to the teeth and dressed to kill: there’s Dr. No with his stylish suit and metal hands and Blofeld with his fluffy white cat purring under the sign of SPECTRE. Rosa Klebb has a nasty knuckle-duster, Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp a black leather strap to match her killer thighs and deadly Red kiss. There’s a metal-mouthed monster of a man called “Jaws” and scheming Soviet Russians whose watches evoke the Evil Empire’s glory days. Fiendishly clever actors add lustre to the glowing legend, and Villains pays tribute to outstanding performances: Christopher Walken’s malevolent Max Zorin deserves his stylish Retrograde; Richard Kiel’s menacing JAWS gets a massive, polished steel Irony THE Chrono; Lotte Lenya’s Rosa Klebb is given a pair of knuckle-dusters welded to an Irony Lady. And in homage to Casino Royale, poker-faced master of malice Mads Mikkelsen (alias Le Chiffre) nabs an Irony Big with an Ace of Spades. There are more to come, of course, as SWATCH explores the dark side of the story.

More than forty-five years have passed since Dr. No debuted on the silver screen in 1962, but the fascination that has nourished the myth of 007 shows no signs of fading. If anything, it’s growing stronger — Quantum of Solace, Bond flick number twenty-two, premieres this year — and the 22nd SWATCH watch in the new collection is a fitting tribute to Dominic Greene, the latest Bond villain we’re sure to hate.

Browse the SWATCH 007 Villain Collection

Swatch 007 Villains Collection packaging Swatch 007 Villains Collection packaging
Swatch 007 Villains Collection packaging Swatch 007 Villains Collection packaging