007 MAGAZINE - The World's Foremost James Bond Resource!

From the Archive
Issue #30 (1997)


Main Title Man

The following part of the interview took place while viewing the GoldenEye credit titles...



...in order to get that change in the reflections as he walks in we re-did this so it's all a bit crisper. This is 3D animation coming down the tunnel, just trying to start with a bang.


GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman


This sort of opening bit I was trying to think of all the colours of the titles - You Only Live Twice which was the volcano... Feel his breath - I had to make that... smoke of the gun coming out of her mouth.


GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman

GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman

Was that cigarette smoke she held in her mouth?

Yes, she had to hold it there for ages, poor girl, but she smoked quite heavily so... This is all just starting with the Communist images, the fall of Communism. Obviously before the title sequence is in the height of Communism and after the title sequence it's 9 years later, so I wanted you to feel this is the Soviet regime crumbling and falling to bits.


GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman

GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman

The girls were all superimposed they're not actually in the mask at all that's completely shot separately.

GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman

GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman


All these flags get blown away - each one, each flag, each girl is shot individually, each gun is shot individually and the smoke separately, so there are probably 15 or 20 images there.


GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman

GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman


Now this is the Soviet regime brought to its knees, by girls in lingerie. The girls were shot separately. The statues were all built, they were quite big actually.


GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman

GoldenEye Main Titles by Daniel Kleinman


This image is my favourite one, it sums up Communism destroying itself from within - the hammer and sickle, and the hammer is smashing the sickle to pieces with the eye in the background and turns into the gun and the eye is the satellite which destroys the... and you get shot out of the dream world and into reality. The other things about working on the computer screen is that as the little girls that climb out of the destroyed mask come out of the mouth on the screen, here they're a quarter of an inch tall, but when they're projected they're bigger than life size and its something you have to bear in mind when you're doing it that it's very small, minute detail.

The storyboard sequence for the GoldenEye main titles

GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 1

GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 2 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 3
1. We take over the explosion in the final shot of the pre title sequence 2. The ball of fire follows us as we pull away down a dark tube 3. We come out of the end of the tube
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 4 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 5 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 6
4. The tube is revealed to be a gun barrel 5. The ball of flame bursts from the end 6. A bullet suddenly bursts through the ball of flame and comes towards us at great speed
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 7 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 8 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 9
7. We whip pan around 8. The bullet flies away from us 9. It disappears into darkness
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 10 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 11 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 12
10. A liquid explosion of colour reveals women in silhouette. One has golden eyes. We track past them 11. The sculptural women are reflected on a surface 12. A woman's head turns. She twists a cigar in her mouth
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 13 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 14 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 15
13. Bond enters in silhouette 14. Bond fires his own gun the woman exhales smoke 15. The image seamlessly becomes a reflection in a golden eye
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 16 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 17 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 18
16. The eye blinks 17. Bond is now reflected in the eye 18. The eye turns red
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 19 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 20 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 21
19. The red is a billowing flag that blows away 20. The flag reveals a large silhouette graphic woman 21. As we pan away the woman turns towards us and opens her eyes.
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 22 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 23 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 24
22. Billowing Soviet flags enter 23. The flag blows away 24. Soviet stars and Soviet imagery fall They tear the flags
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 25 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 26 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 27
25. Soviet sickles enter 26. Sickle and stars fall 27. A man's figure follows a woman around the sickle
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 28 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 29 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 30
28. A giant Soviet star falls through the frame 29. We cut to the star crashing to the ground and track to a landscape of broken Soviet imagery 30. Women create graphic shapes on the stars, the shape of a girls face reveals a golden tear
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 31 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 32 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 33
31. Another large Soviet star wipes through the frame... 32. ...revealing a liquid explosion of colour 33. The explosion seamlessly becomes an eye
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 34 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 35 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 36
34. The eye has a clock reflected in it counting down to zero 35. The eye fades to a dark colour 36. A gunshot fires a slow ball of flame which lights up the shapes of women
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 37 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 38 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 39
37. Another gunshot 38. Creates smoke 39. Through the smoke a giant Soviet statue emerges
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 40 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 44
40. There are many statues with small figures on them 41. One statue falls 42. We cut to it crashing to the ground A hollow bronze Soviet head is in the foreground
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 45
43. Women's silhouettes climb through the eyes and mouth 44. A gold laser light blazes through the eye of the statue 45. It reveals a woman's head with a red glowing mouth
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 46 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 47 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 48
46. The head turns, it has two faces and the glowing mouth was a cigar 47. The woman removes the cigar and opens her mouth as a guns come out 48. They fire, the smoke is a female form
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 49 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 50 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 51
49. The smoke drifts upwards 50. Large heads appear 51.  Guns float upwards
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 52 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 53 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 54
52. Women emerge from the gun barrels 53. The guns wipe through frame 54. A giant foot steps in
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 55 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 56 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 57
55. A tank rolls past the foot 56. We track to women demolishing something 57. Cut wide to see a landscape of broken statues
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 58 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 59 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 60
58. We track from the statues 59. A lone tank exists on the horizon 60. The horizon becomes the slit of a giant golden eye that opens
GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 61 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 62 GoldenEye Main Title storyboard 63
61. The eye becomes the barrel of a gun that comes towards us 62. We travel down the gun barrel at speed 63. We exit into the main film, a shot speeding down a road...

Daniel Kleinman interview Part 1

FACT FILES The Gun Barrel