007 MAGAZINE - The World's Foremost James Bond Resource!




007 MAGAZINE Collectors Guide to
James Bond UK PAN Paperbacks

Part Three: Film Tie-in editions 1962-1974

Beginning with the release of the first James Bond film Dr. No in 1962, PAN Books published a film tie-in edition that boosted sales of the novel and promoted interest in other Ian Fleming titles. In some cases the film tie-in was the only version of that novel then available in paperback. PAN Books sales records indicate that during the release of every film from 1962-1974, sales of that particular title were not surprisingly higher than at any other time. Although the 10 titles released by PAN with a film tie-in cover appeared alongside (and sometimes in place of) other covers in the series, they stand alone as collectible memorabilia from a time when the films for the most part, were actual adaptations of the novel they were cross-promoting.

DR. NO Film ti-in competition/Sean Connery Showcard

ABOVE: (left) The PAN Books/EON Productions original competition tie-in to the release of Dr. No (1962) which offered substantial prizes for shop window displays that featured the PAN paperback and cross-promoted the first James Bond film. (right) A showcard used during the film tie-in promotions for the PAN paperbacks of FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE in 1963, and later recycled for the promotion of Thunderball (1965).

In 1962 PAN Books also ran a competition in conjunction with EON Productions, that was open to national booksellers and promoted in the Exhibitors’ Campaign Book for the film supplied by the National Screen Service. The competition highlighted the tremendous sales value of the tie-in with the PAN Books' edition of DR. NO (which had then sold 350,000 copies with unlimited stocks still available) sales of which would be boosted further during the general release of the film. Conditions stated that eligible shop window displays should prominently feature the PAN edition of DR. NO and the film, and also incorporate the seven other JAMES BOND titles available as PAN paperbacks. At the time of the release of Dr. No these were the painted covers featuring the artwork of Pat Owen and Benjamin Ostrick [J. Oval]. The displays ran for at least one week during the time that the film ran locally within the national release period of 5 October - 3 November 1962. According to the Campaign Book the competition would be judged by Ian Fleming and Sean Connery from photographs submitted to PAN Books before the deadline of November 19, 1962. The first prize was £75, with seven prizes of £20, and an additional seven consolation prizes of £5. The average weekly wage in 1962 was £15, so naturally there was a lot of competition amongst national booksellers. Thankfully photographs of many of the displays were printed in trade magazines at the time and show a more innocent way of cross-promotion in the pre-internet world. With co-operation from local cinema managers, the displays helped boost the sales of PAN paperbacks and reminded cinemagoers that the film was playing in their town or city.

DR. NO film tie-in edition and window display

ABOVE: (left) The PAN paperback film tie-in of DR. NO first published in 1962 (right) A shop window display featuring the film tie-in edition of DR. NO alongside earlier PAN paperbacks with painted covers by Pat Owen and J. Oval [pseudonym of Benjamin Ostrick] of the seven James Bond novels which were then in circulation. Also in the display is the rare double-crown poster, and Front of House stills from the film. The film tie-in edition of DR. NO was in circulation until early 1964 when it was reissued with a new cover as part of the Raymond Hawkey series.

To meet the demand generated by the release of the film, the DR. NO film tie-in cover was reprinted eight times from 1962-1964. Originally starting out as X335 (which turned out to be a printing error, as the correct PAN number should have been G335), DR. NO was renumbered as X237 in 1963 when the Raymond Hawkey series was first published, and then later issued with a new Hawkey designed cover in May 1964.

FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE was still in circulation featuring two different painted covers by Sam Peffer in 1959, and Pat Owen from 1961, and was reissued from the 12th printing in 1963 with a film tie-in cover. The FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE film tie-in edition also featured a die-cut front cover with holes punched out to represent the sprockets of 35mm film stock. The laminated glossy colour wrap-around cover featured four publicity photos was superseded by the Raymond Hawkey designed cover in July 1964, which appeared from the 17th - 21st editions.

FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE film tie-in edition and hanging promotional materials

ABOVE: (top left) FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE film tie-in with wrap-around laminated die-cut cover. (top right) Promotional mobile for use in window displays (bottom left) A window display promoting the release of From Russia With Love utilising the PAN paperback film tie-in cover, and featuring the seven Raymond Hawkey designed PAN paperbacks then in circulation along with the film tie-in edition of DR. NO. (bottom right) Window display at the W. H. Smith branch at Leeds railway station. The display advertised the screening of From Russia With Love at the ODEON Leeds, where it opened on Sunday October 13, 1963, and went on to take £5,827 in the first six days of its two-week run.

Once again PAN Books, in conjunction with EON Productions, ran a competition for booksellers promoting the release of From Russia With Love in October 1963. The Exhibitors’ Campaign Book detailed the terms and conditions similar to the Dr. No competition which ran in the previous year. First prize this time was £50 plus a trip to Pinewood Studios, with return rail travel and one-night in a London hotel for two people. The cross-promotion of the film and PAN paperback resulted in huge sales in 1963/64 with around one-and-a-half million copies sold in the UK alone.

The PAN paperback tie-in of FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE was also seen in an episode of the second series of Danger Man which starred Patrick McGoohan as John Drake. The lead actor had turned down the role of James Bond in 1962 on moral grounds, and would later decline the role of Simon Templar in The Saint. The episode entitled The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove from February 1965, also featured Desmond Llewellyn who had made his debut as Q in From Russia With Love in 1963.

FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE film tie-in edition in Danger Man 1965

Peter Gill as Fletcher in The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove - a 1965 episode of the TV-Series Danger Man.

FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE Australian promotional material/back cover

ABOVE: PAN Books also issued the paperback tie-in edition of FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE in Australia to coincide with the opening of the film on April 16, 1964. (left) Booksellers were alerted to the release and success of earlier PAN James Bond paperbacks in the trade magazine Ideas [the Australian equivalent of The Bookseller in the UK]. The paperback was initially priced at 5/6, which rose to 6/- Australian in later editions (right).
BELOW: Also published in April 1964, the PAN Books film tie-in edition of GOLDFINGER with its clever wraparound cover.

GOLDFINGER wraparound film tie-in paperback cover 1964

In April 1964 PAN Books published the third film tie-in ahead of the premiere of Goldfinger on 17th September at London's ODEON Leicester Square. The wrap-around cover featured Robert Brownjohn's alternate golden girl image (model and actress Margaret Nolan) with a section torn-out on the rear revealing the From Russia With Love poster underneath. This design had initially appeared on EON Productions press releases in early 1964, so was not initiated or designed by PAN Books.

GOLDFINGER film tie-in artwork inspiration & promotional tri-fold card
PAN Books promotional banner for GOLDFINGER film tie-in

ABOVE (top left) EON Productions press release announcing the casting of Gert Frobe as Goldfinger. The press release featured an early version of the art that would appear on the PAN Books paperback tie-in for Goldfinger (1964). (top right) A tri-fold card promoting the film and the PAN Books GOLDFINGER paperback, and (bottom) a promotional banner used in bookshops to advertise the new film and paperback tie-in.

Goldfinger premiere brochure PAN Books promotion

Another competition accompanied the release of Goldfinger and its tie-in PAN paperback. This time the competition ran once during the initial release of the film in September 1964, and again from November 15th when the film was on general release. PAN Books, EON Productions and United Artists this time jointly offered prizes totalling £325 in gold sovereigns. First prize of six gold sovereigns was on offer (with a nominal value of £3 17s. 6d. per sovereign) for the best non-professionally dressed window display, with an additional three gold sovereigns for the cinema manager who had co-operated with the winner. A second prize of the same amount was on offer for windows dressed by full-time display staff and cooperating cinema managers. Additional prizes were available to individual branches of major book retailers. The usual rules applied that displays should use the PAN edition of GOLDFINGER, feature the film prominently and also incorporate the eight other James Bond titles available from PAN.

Sales of the James Bond novels in paperback had reached record levels by the end of 1964, and were significantly boosted by the release of Goldfinger. Total sales of over ten-million copies of Ian Fleming's novels had been sold in the UK; with almost one-million being for GOLDFINGER alone. The PAN film tie-in of GOLDFINGER was reprinted a further eight times, with the last printing of this edition in 1965. The Raymond Hawkey cover was also still in circulation although the PAN advert in the Goldfinger premiere brochure (left) omits this version from the eight titles then available.

Although reissued in 1969 as part of the ‘white-model’ series, GOLDFINGER went out-of-print in paperback in 1971, and was one of the four titles in the first wave of ‘still-life’ covers in 1972. GOLDFINGER was the second-highest selling title of all the PAN James Bond paperbacks, with a staggering two-and-a-half million copies sold by the end of 1977 when PAN relinquished the paperback publishing rights.

THUNDERBALL film tie-in edition and window card
THUNDERBALL film tie-in edition poster and counter display

ABOVE: (top left) PAN Books THUNDERBALL film tie-in paperback 13th printing 1965. (top right & bottom left) PAN Books hanging window cards advertised in the Thunderball Exhibitors’ Campaign Book. (bottom right) PAN Books counter display case.

‘Bondmania’ reached its zenith at the end of 1965 with the release of Thunderball, the fourth film starring Sean Connery as 007. At this time sales of the PAN James Bond paperbacks had reached 20-million in the UK, with nearly seven-million copies sold in 1965 alone.

As part of his settlement following the lawsuit he brought against Ian Fleming for plagiarism and false attribution of authorship, Kevin McClory was awarded the screen rights to THUNDERBALL, and publishers were to add the line “This story is based on a Screen Treatment by Kevin McClory, Jack Whittingham, and the author” to all subsequent editions of the novel. The PAN paperback of THUNDERBALL was first published in May 1963 (with Raymond Hawkey's ground-breaking cover design), six-months before the trial eventually reached the high court, and therefore the first twelve printings do not feature the added text. PAN Books added the acknowledgement starting with the 13th printing of the paperback which was issued with the glossy wrap-around film tie-in cover.

THUNDERBALL film tie-in 13th edition Domino Player's promotional letter
Player's promotional letter features in the Thunderball premiere brochure with additional text

The 13th edition sold out very quickly and was reprinted in late 1965 to meet the demand generated by the forthcoming release of the new film which opened across the UK in January 1966. The 14th printing of THUNDERBALL is also unique in that many copies of the paperback included a very clever item of cross-promotion with Player's cigarettes. A two-sided letter on thin blue water-marked airmail paper was folded inside the paperback. The letter from Domino to James Bond refers to the sailor ‘hero’ on the front of Player's cigarette packets. Domino recounts the story of her first love on pages 152-155 of the paperback. Other than the text, there is no branding or reference as to what the letter meant, leaving many readers puzzled by its inclusion, resulting in countless copies being discarded over the years.

In reality the marketing idea was devised by EON Productions publicist Derek Coyte, who died in 2014.

007 MAGAZINE Editor & Publisher Graham Rye explains:
“During one of our many meetings over the years Derek Coyte explained to me that he had come up with the concept of the THUNDERBALL/Domino promotional letter and then put the idea to Player’s and PAN Books, who both loved it! Derek scripted the letter and Player’s advertising agency arranged for a calligrapher to hand write the copy.”

The souvenir brochures printed for the London and regional premieres of Thunderball also contained a full-page Player's advertisement showing the third page of another letter from Domino which specifically has reference to the film, and ties the whole cross-promotion together. Very few people would have seen the advertisement, which sheds a little more light on the mystery letter tucked into the paperback, and explains its purpose in the rather politically incorrect 1960s, when cigarette advertising was far more overt than it is today. Although 250,000 copies of the 14th printing of the THUNDERBALL paperback were issued, there is no record of how many Domino letters were inserted. Copies with a genuine original letter are therefore now very hard to find.

THUNDERBALL film tie-in window displays

ABOVE: Three of the award-winning window displays utilising the PAN Books film tie-in of THUNDERBALL. Shops were also required to prominently feature the nine other PAN James Bond paperbacks then in circulation and merchandise from Thunderball. (bottom) The rare uncut advance quad-crown poster can be seen in the Bradford shop display and the two PAN Books hanging cards [illustrated further up the page] can be seen alongside original soundtrack albums from the four films and (top left) a selection of scuba-diving equipment in the Weymouth shop display.

PAN Books, EON Productions and United Artists once again ran two competitions to tie-in with the release of Thunderball; the first took place from 1 January - 28 February 1966, and the second from 1 March to 31 May. The competition this time had over £500 worth of prizes in the form of eight gold sovereigns or a ‘James Bond hamper’ worth £31 for the best non-professionally dressed window, and another for the window dressed by full-time display staff. Cinema managers who cooperated with the winning stores received a ‘THUNDERBALL hamper’ worth £15, or four gold sovereigns.

Following its December 1965 release, Thunderball then played continuously in London for six months and a double-bill of Dr. No/From Russia With Love was also showing across the country in early 1966. Goldfinger had also been re-released exclusively at the ODEON Haymarket in London, and interest in everything James Bond reached its high-point. Although sales of PAN James Bond paperbacks began to decline, 2.5-million copies were sold in 1966, and by the end of the year overall sales had reached 23-million!