BOND AT 50 - Poll Reaction
LUKE WILLIAMS chats with a
selection of Bond alumni and learns their
reactions to the result of the
007 MAGAZINE Greatest Ever Bond Film Poll! |
(Academy Award winner Best Sound Effects, Goldfinger) |
You'll be
interested to know that 007 MAGAZINE readers have voted
Goldfinger into second place in our ‘Greatest Bond Film of All
Time Poll’. What is your view of the film? Why do you think it is so
popular with fans?
In spite of my satisfaction at having contributed to such a popular
movie, I’ve never personally understood how the storyline of
Goldfinger has avoided criticism. I find it confusing that Bond
forms a business relationship with Goldfinger on the golf course by
revealing his possession of a gold ingot, only to deliberately make
an enemy of the man by switching the golf balls. As far as Bond’s
intentions are concerned, what exactly was the purpose of the
golf-course scene apart from demonstrating the ruthlessness of
Goldfinger via Oddjob's flying hat? Furthermore, when Bond catches
Jill Masterson signalling details of his opponent’s cards to
Goldfinger, you expect her to be terrified when this total stranger
starts putting her powerful boss in his place. Instead she finds the
whole episode amusing and, in no time at all, is making love to the
man! Either bad scripting or bad directing?
Later, Bond is in the process of being executed on the laser machine
and Goldfinger is indifferent to his pleas. Then, just because Bond
is able to state the name of Goldfinger’s on-going operation (Grand-Slam)
the laser is switched off. There is no logical reason for this. Bond
is never questioned as to how he obtained the information and, as
far as I can remember, the name is never mentioned again (except
maybe when Goldfinger is explaining his plan to the gangsters.). At
no time is there any indication that Goldfinger’s plans have been
affected by MI6 knowing of his operation. Goldfinger assembles a mob
of leading gangsters in an attempt to integrate them into his plans,
only to execute them all before they play any part in his scheme
whatsoever. |
It’s obvious they
haven’t all contributed financially because we witness one mobster
deciding to opt out. Apart from explaining the details of
Goldfinger’s plans to the audience what is the purpose of this
Bond’s escape from the prison cell is also hopelessly contrived and
very un-cool. From then on he is treated more as a guest than a
prisoner as he strides around in his smart suit and for some
convenient reason he is never restrained! In the cell scene, where
he is guarded by about six guards, one wonders why they don’t just
tie him up instead of letting him sit around looking totally
relaxed! As for walking along in the sunshine with Pussy linking
arms – all elements of tension are completely eliminated and the
frivolous judo encounter has no place in a Connery Bond film. Any
discerning film buff would ask why in heaven’s name Goldfinger would
want to bother with keeping Bond alive when his intention is to kill
him anyway! Obviously, the plot demands that Pussy and Bond develop
a relationship to justify her becoming a turncoat, but the script
should have been re-written to accommodate that.
Finally, there is a small directorial point which one could easily
brush aside but I still feel should be mentioned. The scene where
the platoons of soldiers are supposedly wiped out by lethal gas
makes me cringe every time I see it. Whoever shot it should have
ensured that the men staggered and slowly dropped to the ground
rather than them all dropping en bloc the way they do. I expect it
was shot by a second unit because I can’t imagine Guy shooting it
like that.
I wish I could pin-point the reason why this movie has proved so
popular but, apart from the fact that it has a glossy look about it,
I really can’t make it out! I guess one could focus on the bizarre
way Shirley is executed, the character of Goldfinger, the sunny
locations, the ingenuity of Operation Grand-Slam, the
stunning design of Goldfinger’s operations room and Fort Knox, plus,
of course, the music!
What's your favourite memory connected with working on
Without doubt my favourite memory connected with my work on
Goldfinger was the fact that I had a more relaxing time than on
Dr. No and From Russia with Love! The previous two
films hadn’t been as creatively challenging but they were far busier
and more action-packed and, in the case of Dr. No, pressured
by a tight budget.
On Goldfinger, I was free to use recording theatres
regardless of cost, and concentrate on creating the special sounds
such as Oddjob’s flying hat, the crushing of the golf ball, the
ripping of Tilly Masterson’s tyre, the laser machine, Goldfinger’s
electronic demonstration room and the car crushing machine. I could
even say that my favourite memory of all was creating the sound of
the car-crushing machine because, of all the sounds I created on six
Bond films, the car crusher will always be my favourite. When the
scene came back from the US the sound shot at the time was very poor
so I was virtually required to start from scratch. The most
difficult sound to find was the heaving (back and forth) of the
crusher’s jaws. As it turned out, some workmen came to do repairs on
the studio car park and a compressor they used produced the perfect
sound for the jaws. I rushed to tell my sound recordist but he was
too busy on the set and the only machine he had to spare was a toy
recorder he’d bought for his son. In desperation I used the toy to
‘record’ the compressor and it was used in the final mix. The guys
mixing the tracks made no comment and it’s only in recent times that
I’ve told people my secret! |
![Goldfinger (1964) Quad poster [style A] and Laser Beam sequence](images/news/poll/goldfinger.jpg) |
What was the biggest challenge you faced in designing and devising
the sound effects for the film?
Without doubt the biggest challenge for me on Goldfinger was
producing a suitable sound for the laser beam. On all the early
Bonds I had to face the fact that the gadgets and special effects
were moving into a futuristic genre which was beyond the sound
technology existing at the time. For instance, on Dr. No it
was impossible to create a controllable sound for the nuclear
reactor in Dr. No’s laboratory and, only through the genius of an
electronics technician at Pinewood, was a machine invented to make
the sound possible. The laser beam in Goldfinger created an
equally big challenge and it was only by chance that I heard of a
company called The BBC Radiophonic Workshop, set up to experiment
with electronic music. I showed the scene to a member of their staff
and described the sound that I envisaged but I never thought for a
moment that they would have the technology. When they returned a
week later with their creation it was exactly the sound I’d
described. My relief had no limits. It was a moment I shall never
forget. |
You won a richly
deserved Academy Award for your work on Goldfinger, placing
you in a very exclusive 'Bond Oscar winners' club alongside John
Stears, who won for his special effects work on Thunderball.
What are your memories of winning the Oscar?
When my wife and I arrived in LA we never thought for a moment that
I’d return with an award, but when we discovered there were only two
nominees in my category we realised that I might indeed have to
mount the stage! [The other nominee was Robert Bratton for The
Lively Set]. From the very start we were treated with tremendous
respect and on the evening of the event we were seated in a prime
position as all nominees are placed near the front. To be seated in
an auditorium on such a night was an unforgettable experience with
every famous Hollywood face visible wherever one looked. Bob Hope
was the master of ceremonies and got the proceedings off to a
humorous start and it wasn’t long before the gorgeous Angie
Dickinson appeared on stage to announce the Sound Effects nominees.
When my name was called out the orchestra immediately opened up with
the Goldfinger theme and I felt dizzy with pride as I mounted
the stage and received the statuette from Angie. ('Could this
really be happening?' I thought to myself?) |
When I looked out at the
audience I found the glare of the lighting was so bright that one couldn’t
easily make out individual faces, so any feeling of nerves remarkably
receded. My short speech was received with rapturous applause and I walked
off arm-in-arm with Angie to meet the press. When I finally returned to my
seat my wife was dreamy-eyed as, apart from the fact that her husband had
just won an Oscar, she had just seen the one-and-only Judy Garland singing
live! The whole event was totally surreal but obviously an event that will
stay in my memory forever. The ceremony was followed immediately
afterwards by a lavish ball where one could eat, drink and dance with the
stars. Charlton Heston came across for a chat and kindly signed my
programme. My wife and I had to smile at the fact that if one nudged
someone on the dance floor the chances were it would at least turn out to
be Gregory Peck! |
We've gathered already that you don't think Goldfinger is
the greatest Bond film! What do you rate as the best Bond film then?
Until recently I would have said From Russia With Love was
the greatest Bond film and I can well understand why it was Cubby’s
favourite. It had a straight, believable story that didn’t drift
into fantasy-land like so many other Bond movies. As scriptwriter,
Richard Maibaum so rightly said: “We hadn’t gone so far yet into
the fantastical – it was entirely believable. Real people in real
situations.” I also thought the casting was brilliant; Daniela
Bianchi made such a refreshing heroine, Pedro Armendariz was perfect
as Bond’s ally and Robert Shaw was totally original and sinister as
the villain. I agree with Terence Young when he said he thought the
film had far and away the best cast of any Bond film. Even Matt
Monro was perfect casting for the wonderful title song!
I think it’s significant that so many scenes in From Russia With
Love are remembered by everyone, which cannot be said about many
in the series that followed: for example, the ‘murder’ of Bond by
Grant in the pre-title sequence; the massage scene involving Grant
and busty Jan Williams; the gypsy camp belly-dancer and girl fight;
Bond’s assassination of Krilencu on the billboard and the best fight
scene of any in the series between Bond and Grant in the train.
Also, has there ever been another scene like the one where Rosa
Klebb whacks Grant in the guts, followed by the words: “He seems
fit enough!”
Without doubt, From Russia with Love is my favourite Bond
movie but I cannot deny that Casino Royale has taken the
series into a new era. Daniel Craig will never replace Sean but,
with the films taking on a new image, I believe he was perfect
casting. I thought the film was masterfully directed by Martin
Campbell and no other Bond film can match its production values. If
I were to see Russia and Casino tomorrow back to back
for the first time it’s difficult to predict which I would prefer,
but my instinct tells me it would be Casino Royale.
Norman, thank you for your time - as well as your incredible
contribution to the Bond series!